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Setting up a high performance wordpress server

Written by user | 18 Apr 2010

Our website isn't critical, in the sense that, if the website goes down, our operations remain unaffected. However, lately, the website was becoming extremely slow and it was turning into bad publicity.

Over the time I grew tired of this slowness until, one day, I decided to address the issue once for all. I bought a dedicated server, installed FreeBSD, nginx and everything needed to have our corporate website and the blog running and decommissioned the old server.

Unfortunately, you may have noticed that this last week, the quality of service was pretty low. This is entirely my fault as I switched to the new server too quickly.

Nevertheless, we're now pretty satisfied with the responsiveness and resource consumtion of the new production environment.

This post is a recollection of the steps I went through last week.

Gearing up

We generally favor a BSD setup for servers. We've had very good experience with Windows Server 2008 and Ubuntu Server Edition but whenever we can, we go BSD because that's what l33t d00dz do.

Ideally we would have opted for OpenBSD, but OpenBSD dedicated hosting is extremely hard to come by, and we wanted to have provider support for the OS. We didn't want to get a random Linux box and bootstrap an OpenBSD installation on it. If ever we got a problem with the box at some point, the support would have answered "please use a supported operating system".

FreeBSD remains an outstanding server operating system, and we happily leased a FreeBSD box with much more disk space and computing power we need.

When considering which webserver to use, this is a no-brainer: you want speed, you chose nginx.

As we use WordPress for the blog, it means we'll also have to install MySQL.


FreeBSD isn't OpenBSD when it comes to security, but the default security configuration is pretty decent if you opt for a minimal install.

The first good reflex is to set up PF to only allow incoming transmission to the SSH server and the web server. It can also be used to normalize the incoming packets and protect against spoofing.

In case you were wondering what PF is, well, put simply, PF is the best IP filter available. Its strength comes from its clear and unambiguous grammar and its linear complexity. What do I mean by linear complexity? If you have a simple setup, your configuration file will be small and simple. If you have more advanced needs, the grammar enables you to go very deep in the details. It's one of these products you test and never look back.

Without any further ado, here is a minimal PF configuration file with normalization, antispoofing and only ssh and https incoming traffic allowed:

# skip the loopback
set skip on lo
# packet normalization
scrub in
# block everything in
block in
pass out keep state
# antispoofing
antispoof quick for { lo $extif }
# allow ssh and web in
pass in on $ext
if proto tcp to ( $extif ) port
    {ssh, http, https } flags S/SA modulate state

A good security habit - which is not limited to FreeBSD - is to set up a non-root account, disable ssh root login (an option in /etc/ssh/sshdconfig) and use sudo and su when privileges are needed (your additional account needs to be in the wheel group for this to work).

SSH login should be done only via a key and the password for all the accounts need to be extremely strong (more than 100-bit of entropy). Using SSH keys for login makes it possible to use extremely strong password.

It is possible to setup the SSH server to listen on a different port than 22, but it might be incompatible with your local firewall policy. When you do that, make sure that you have a way to access your box should something go wrong.

A good sanity check is that when you run the "netstat -an" command, you should only see the SSH server listening to the outside. All other servers must be bound to localhost (or better, an unix socket). I know we set up a firewall to protect against that kind of attacks, but good security is achieved through redundancy.

Recompiling the kernel and getting rid of everything you don't use is a nice final touch. Why have IPV6 when your server is only IPV4? If your machine got rooted via IPV6, would you be able to realize it easily?

Recompiling the kernel on BSD requires creating a configuration file, compiling it with config(5) and then run make. It's a bit less user friendly than in Linux (as far as kernel compilation friendliness goes).


nginx is an excellent webserver, with a very low memory footprint and very high capability. I've spent a great deal of time inside the bowels of this software and although I regret the choice of old-school C (over template-intensive C++), I really think it's a nice piece of software. It's clean, rigorous and consistent. Our industry needs more software of this quality.

nginx has got an extremely good security history and is delivered secure by default. It doesn't mean the default configuration cannot be improved.

The most obvious is to limit the number of connections per client, set up more aggressive timeouts and limit the buffers' size a client might send. This offers some minimal protection against DoS. Tread carefully however as they can have a bad impact on performance.

You can restrict things further by only allowing GET, HEAD and POST commands, denying all these weird HTTP requests you never use.
Last but not least, you will want to hide the nginx version you are using, no need to make exploit lookup easier, isn't it?

In the http section you will therefore want to add the following:

# hide nginx version
server tokens off;
# limit connections
zone slimits $binaryremoteaddr 5m;
limit conn slimits 20;
# set up restricting client buffers
header buffersize 4k;
client maxbody size 5M;
client headerbuffers 2 8k;
# set up aggressive timeouts
client bodytimeout   10;
client headertimeout 10;
keepalive timeout     55;
timeout           10;

and in the server section

# only allow GET, HEAD and POST
if ($request_method !~ ^ (GET |HEAD |POST )$ )
    return 444;

Using a dedicated partition is a possibility. It enables you to prohibit features such as setuid bits and even executable permissions at the partition level. It also protects against flooding, should your users be able to upload content.

The drawback of using a dedicated partition is that it makes space (re)allocation more difficult.


If you ask me, I'll tell you that relational databases are overused. But we didn't program WordPress, and WordPress only works with MySQL, we therefore need to install it on the box.

Set up a strong password for the MySQL root account and add another account that will have only access to the databases your web server will use. Never use the root account to access your tables from a web server, this is a major security risk.

If for any reason you lose the control of your web server, or someone achieves to extract the login credentials, they will only be able to access your web server database. With the root account, the attacker would - for example - be able to create accounts and even lock you out of your databases!

Additionally, you need to make sure that MySQL only listen to an unix socket (if the MySQL server sits on the same server than nginx), this is done with the option "--skip-networking".

I strongly recommend against installing phpMyAdmin or any equivalent software on production machines.


On FreeBSD, PHP comes by default with a decent security configuration, including the Suhosin patch, which is much better that the safe mode.

Nevertheless, it's good to disable all the extensions you're not going to use, not only this will increase stability and decrease memory usage, but it will reduce the attack surface.

Install PHP 5 from the ports where you will be able to activate FastCGI, this is important as nginx doesn't have a native PHP support à l'Apache.

Configuring the PHP FastCGI server

The PHP FastCGI server exits after a certain number of requests is done. Since PHP isn't a very stable parser, preventing it from running a long time increases resilience. The drawback is that you have to keep the server running manually.

We will use daemontools to keep the FastCGI server up, but any process monitor will do.

It's advised to use spawn-fcgi to run your PHP FastCGI server, as it will enable you to set finer privileges and it works very well with daemontools.

Here is a run script example for supervise:

exec/usr/local/bin/spawn-fcgi -n-s/tmp/php
    -u www -U www -g www
    -- /usr /local /bin /php-cgi

You can see that we bind the FastCGI server to an unix socket instead of a TCP port.

Adding PHP support to nginx

nginx needs to be configured to redirect php parsing to the FastCGI server, you just need to add the following to your server section:

index index. php;
log notfound off;

location ~ .php$
    tryfiles $uri = 404;
index   index.php;
    fastcgiparam   SCRIPTFILENAME
    include         fastcgi

While we are at it, we will add the required lines to make WordPress work nicely. We need to make sure that WordPress' crafted URLs are not interpreted as 404 by the nginx server:

location /blog
    try files $uri$uri/@wpblog;

location @wpblog
    include         fastcgi
    fastcgiparam   SCRIPTFILENAME
param   QUERYSTRING q=$uri&$args;
pass    unix:/tmp/phpfcgi.socket;
param   SCRIPTNAME /blog/index.php;

Note that you need to replace "/blog" with the actual path to your blog and fastcgipass will require the hostname and port to your FastCGI server ( by default, in our case we use an unix socket).

Now that your web server is set up, you might want to be able to monitor its activity. You can do this with nginx-rrd. I won't go too much into the details, just make sure you don't make your status page world readable.

Installing WordPress

Despite the recurring security issues of WordPress, we didn't want to switch to another engine. WordPress is full featured, very well supported and well, Matt already did an incredible layout for the blog...

Making WordPress work with nginx is everything but straightforward. The good news is that we've already done the toughest.

Before installing WordPress, create a dedicated database and user with MySQL, as using root to access a shared database is a very bad idea (bis repetita placent).

Once you have your database credentials working, you can install WordPress in following the infamous 5-Minute install procedure.

WordPress only requires you to edit one configuration file: wp-config.php. You will also see four entries named AUTHKEY, SECUREAUTHKEY, LOGGEDINKEY and NONCEKEY require a passphrase. Generate a cryptographically strong passphrase with the following command:

dd if= /dev /random bs= 32 count= 1 | sha256

The last line - the hexadecimal number - is your secure passphrase. Now your friends will look at you differently.

For our setup we have only one mandatory plugin: the nginx compatibility one. Should you wish to increase performance, WP Super Cache is highly recommended.

Installing memcached?

If you run a high-traffic web site, you will need to install a cache server.

memcached is supported by WordPress through this plugin. I do not know how it cooperates with WP Super Cache, but I submit the two are mutually exclusive.

At Bureau 14, we don't use memcached for the very simple reason we've developed our own high-performance cache engine that runs faster and scales better. It also comes with more fur. Don't worry, we won't keep this software to ourselves for ever: we will run a closed beta this summer. Should you wish to know more, feel free to subscribe to our mailing list.

Using memcached (or any cache engine) for static files generally yields no performance improvement. The reason is that nginx already caches static files.

Closing words

Although this setup is not as straightforward as the classic Linux/Apache combo, I truly think you will find the trouble to be worth it.

We surely do.

Do you need help tuning and securing your servers? We can help.