One of the constant reproaches we can hear about C++ is that it is too complex, too hard, too unsafe and has too many features, really these r-value references are useless and dangerous and why would you need variadic templates anyway, and "lol" you are still managing memory manually in 2016.
Read MoreTags: cpp, programming, rant, Uncategorized
I recently came across a great blog post asserting - based on numerous studies - that size is the best predictor of code quality.
Read MoreTags: agile, process, programming, quality, Uncategorized, unit testing
Why increase quality? One good reason: costs reduction. There are many others, but this one is important enough.
Read MoreTags: programming, projects, quality, Uncategorized, unit testing
You probably heard at least once the hardware is free aphorism. Perhaps you even said it! The underlying notion is that optimizing code is generally more expensive than upgrading the machine or even buying a new one.
Read MoreTags: optimization, programming, software, Uncategorized